First line review – International Booker longlist

Inspired by BookTube I’ve read the first sentence of each International Booker longlister and this is my ranking.

  1. “When I opened the suitcase and took out the knife, wrapped in a grimy old rag tied with a knot and covered in dark stains, I was just over seven years old.” – Crooked plow by Itamar Vieira Junior, translated by Johnny Lorenz. Perfection!
  2. “When my father told me he hit my mother only once in twenty-three years of marriage, I didn’t even bother replying.” – The house on via Gemito by Domenico Starnone, translated by Oonagh Stransky.  Tough topic, which I like, and there is something about the tone and the history behind it that makes me want to read more.
  3. “When a writer is born into a family, the family is finished, they say.” – Lost on me by Veronica Raimo, translated by Leah Janeczko. Ominous in its own way.
  4. “Will you come to my funeral?” – Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck, translated by Michael Hofmann. I have so many questions.
  5. “Samson was deafened by the sound of the saber striking his father’s head.” – The Silver Bone by Andrey Kurkov, translated by Boris Dralyuk. Upsetting and hard to read as someone who has immense grief around losing my father.
  6. “On the day his wife left the country, Ulises Kan decided to get himself a dog.” – Simpatía by Rodrigo Blanco Calderón, translated by Noel Hernández González and Daniel Hahn. Why did the wife leave a guy that likes dogs?
  7. “The strangest thing about being alone here in Paris, in an anthropology museum gallery more or less beneath the Eiffel Tower, is the thought that all these statuettes that look like me were wrenched from my country by a man whose last name I inherited.” – Undiscovered by Gabriela Wiener, translated by Julia Sanches. I did not see that last punch coming.
  8. “A house like a chicken coop, so that if you leaned on it or kicked at it, all the planks would fall to the ground, and some would break in half, everything rotten.” – White nights by Urszula Honek, translated by Kate Webster. I’m very concerned for this house.
  9. “Yi Jino set up his toilet on the opposite side of the catwalk, as far away from his tent as possible.” – Mater 2-10 by Hwang Sok-yong, translated by Sora Kim-Russell and Youngjae Josephine Bae. I’m confused but intrigued.
  10. “After a few days of the virus in my body I come down with a fever, which is followed by an urge to return to a particular novel.” – The details by Ia Genberg, translated by Kira Josefsson. Peculiar and quirky and my current read.
  11. “Waterboarding, I told my mother.” – What I’d rather not think about by Jente Posthuma, translated by Sarah Timmer Harvey. Yeah, I didn’t not remember what waterboarding was when I first read this.
  12. “Enero Rey, standing firm on the boat, stocky and beardless, swollen-bellied, legs astride, stares hard at the surface of the river and waits, revolver in hand.” – Not a river by Selva Almada, translated by Annie McDermott. I’m worried we are in for some anti-fatness my friends.
  13. “The stop is on the right-hand side of the street.” – A dictator calls by Ismail Kadare, translated by John Hodgson. … …. …. Ok.

Which one is your favourite and least favourite? What are you reading (International Booker or not)?

International Booker – First reaction based on recognition

I know these books!!!

Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck, translated by Michael Hofmann
Crooked Plow by Itamar Vieira Junior, translated by Johnny Lorenz
The Details by Ia Genberg, translated by Kira Josefsson
Not A River by Selva Almada, translated by Annie McDermott
The Silver Bone by Andrey Kurkov, translated by Boris Dralyuk


A Dictator Calls by Ismai Kadare, translated by John Hodgson
The House On Via Gemito by Domenico Starnone, translated by Oonagh Stransky

New to me

Lost On Me by Veronica Raimo, translated by Leah Janeczko
Mater 2-10 by Hwang Sok-yong, translated by Sora Kim-Russell & Youngjae Josephine Bae
What I’d Rather Not Think About by Jente Posthuma, translated by Sarah Timmer Harvey
Undiscovered by Gabriela Wiener, translated by Julia Sanches
White Nights by Urszula Honek, translated by Kate Webster
Simpatía by Rodrigo Blanco Calderón, translated by Noel Hernández González & Daniel Hahn

Note: my memory may be off as I deal with the unacceptable omission of Ædnan.

Booker reaction

I’m feeling a bit meh to be honest, maybe because I was expecting a book by book reveal video with the bookish community reacting in a live feed and got a reel & overloaded website instead.
But, I do not think that this is a longlist for me. There were too many mentions of turn-offs for me: funny or some version of it and even sport. The only thing missing was music. Give me dark and gloomy, please.
And yes, I know that a brief summary that I do not like might hide a beloved read but we are going by first impressions. Most likely everyone’s reactions and reviews will change which books catch my interest.
What I do enjoy is that the longlist feels so different from what I’ve seen in predictions. Did anyone get more than a couple? I predicted 2.

Books I’m interested in:
🇲🇾 The house of doors by Tan Twan Eng
🇳🇬 A spell of good things by Ayọ̀bámi Adébáyọ̀
🇬🇧 In ascension by Martin MacInnes
🇬🇧 All the little bird-hearts by Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow

The house of doors and A spell of good things were on my prediction which was based on books that sparked my interest so no surprise there. In ascension I’ve seen around many times but I keep forgetting what it is about or confusing it with another book, reading the summary again it had me at sci fi and ocean depths. All the little-bird hearts caught my interest because of its focus on neurodivergent motherhood and I’m even more enthusiastic after finding out more about the author.

Maybe books for me:
🇺🇸 If I survive you by Jonathan Escoffery
🇮🇪 Old god’s time by Sebastian Barry

The other longlisters:
🇮🇪 The bee sting by Paul Murray
🇬🇧 Western lane by Chetna Maroo
🇮🇪 Prophet song by Paul Lynch
🇬🇧 Pearl by Siân Hughes
🇺🇸 This other Eden by Paul Harding
🇮🇪 How to build a boat by Elaine Feeney
🇨🇦 Study for obedience by Sarah Bernstein

From the judges’ comments I think Pearl is certain to make the shortlist and might even win.

Some statistics:
7 men / 6 women
7 countries as per boasting on Booker website – The author info is spotty at best but I think we are looking at Ireland 4, England & Scotland 4, USA 1, Canada 1, Malaysia 1, and Nigeria 1.

What have you read and what were your thoughts? What do you want to read? Is this a longlist that works for you?

International Booker shortlist reaction

I watched the shortlist announcement during my lunch break on YouTube (or BookTube it you partake in the bookish goodness) and there were some intense feelings in that live chat 😼 Really very exciting but I’m disappointed there was no cake 🎂 I think we deserved it! 

Anyways – I think I’m probably one of the happier readers after the announcement. I got 4 out of 6 predictions which I think is the best I have ever done. As @anniesmanybooks on Bookstagram said – I made a bold prediction, apparently the judges did too and now people are angry 😅 Plus I would like credit for getting the more unusual predictions right – I’m a very humble person.

I’m lucky enough to own all 6 shortlisters which makes me very excited about the photo and the shortlist reading ahead of us! I’ve read exactly zero of them. Now I want to hear all about your enthusiasm and rants. Which book was snubbed? Which book doesn’t belong? Do you already have a winner prediction? Tell me everything! Here are my thoughts to get you started.

Time Shelter by Georgi Gospodinov 🇧🇬 

Tr. Angela Rodel

One of my current reads and I’m on page 62. It is a type of book that pushes me away by seeming very smart and I wouldn’t be reading it if not for the prize. So far I think I could end up loving it or not really connecting to it. Readers whom I consider very clever seem to love it so in the end I think it will be a positive reading experience. The fantasy and time travel aspects fascinates me. I would appreciate it if it is a fantasy book in the same way as Piranesi is. Also my love for these themes in the book tells me I really need to get back to my comfort genre fantasy. 

Whale by Cheon Myeong-Kwan 🇰🇷 

Tr. Chi Young-Kim

Reading the first 10 pages I really liked the character of Chunhui and the potential opened up for the rest of the book. I think the attitude and the body of the character is something I will connect with deeply. I really enjoyed the writing and had to debate with myself about including it on the shortlist prediction – it was my runner up.

But – there was a lot of focus on the weight of the character and a set number used to convey contempt and it turned me off. Typically an author that opens like that can’t pull it off into a positive message and I believe I’m in for some anti-fat bullshit. There might be a powerful message behind the character’s development but bringing a fat positive light to it will most likely not be part of it.

Standing heavy by GauZ’ 🇨🇮

Tr. Frank Wynne

Wow! I’m so happy for the author. I really liked the sample I read and I thought it was starting several topics and viewpoints on racism, colonialism, sexism and more from page 1. Yet people have seemed to not count it as having a chance of the shortlist. Maybe it is a case of “deceptively simple” which I think Slimani mentioned in the announcement. I personally prefer the books that do not do the heavy lifting for you and explaining each nuance in detail – let my mind go off in all the directions because you add a word or a sentence that connects with a larger issue. Of course it means that I will miss some things but that is OK – I will learn and grow and catch more for each time I read a book. I’m very much looking forward to reading this one!

Boulder by Eva Baltasar 🇪🇸 

Tr. Julia Sanches

This has been a favourite of mine from the beginning. The sample gives me a feeling of a much more poetic and contemplative story than the rest. It feels like it will tell a story by bringing you into the mindset of the character Boulder – whereas Is mother dead told its story through obsessive intensity this feels more laid back, harder to catch. That part of the story will be told through what isn’t shared directly. I’m really excited for this one! Maybe I’ll read it in the weekend to get a jump start on the shortlist.

The gospel according to the new world by Maryse Condé 🇬🇵 

Tr. Richard Philcox

I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying Condé’s books for a couple of years thanks to @ifthisisparadise over on Bookstagram and #ReadCaribbean. I think having read several of Condé’s books will add layers to the book which first-time readers of Condé will not have. My impression so far of her books (including a non-fiction and a children’s book) is that they are all in communication with each other. Condé has strong opinions but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t interrogate nuance. This book has not been getting much love from the reading community and I think it is unfairly overlooked – Condé is regularly mentioned as a Nobel prize contender (they wouldn’t dare – imagine Condé speaking her mind to them – ha!) and was listed for International Booker in 2015 when the prize was for an entire body of work. I think Condé has a tone that is her own – I recognise the writing between the books and she definitely delves into unlikeable and nuanced characters. Nothing is ever easy or clear. The entire book is written through dictation and Condé is the oldest author ever nominated – so impressive!

Still born by Guadalupe Nettel 🇲🇽 

Tr. Rosalind Harvey

Well, we can call off our riot plans because our favourite made it! I think Still Born is the book I’ve seen on the most predictions so it is no surprise it made the shortlist. I felt the prize runners knew this which was why Still Born was presented last. For a few seconds I thought it would miss out! This book has been my favourite every since I made the longlist prediction and now I’m terrified of reading it. What if it doesn’t live up to the hype? But it really seems like my type of book so I’m scared but hopeful.

The books that didn’t make it

The Nordic books didn’t make it!!! I really thought one of them would make it! But maybe I’m biased and got too convinced by the positive reviews from around the world. It is OK – I’m happy to see more parts of the world represented and making it to the longlist is enough to get more well-deserved readers.

I’m missing some reader favourites on here that I was sure was going to make it: While we were dreaming and The birthday party. Especially the latter seems to be well-received so I’m surprised it wasn’t on the shortlist, even though it wasn’t on my prediction. I just assumed I would be more wrong.

I really thought Jimi Hendrix live n Lviv would make it because of the constellation of the judges where I think two are focused on Eastern Europe. But I was clearly wrong – maybe they had to pick between Time Shelter and Jimi Hendrix? Is that how they do things in the judging panel? I’m not sure – I’m guessing it is different each year depending on the dynamics. Maybe I should try and see if I can figure out a way that they have reasoned their way to the shortlist.

I’m not that surprised that Pyre and Ninth Building missed out – I haven’t seen strong feelings either way for them which I guess takes away the fun in shortlisting them. But I have a good impression of both from the sample reading and will definitely read them even if they didn’t make the shortlist.

Thoughts on International Booker

How does everyone get their reaction posts up immediately after the announcement!?!? I could not even watch it and saw the posts only hours later. What is happening… does not everyone else obsess about their reactions and struggle for hours to get a post together?

My first reaction to the longlist was shocked. Out of the 40ish titles I was looking forward to seeing on the longlist only a handful made it. 

Now I’m going to moan a little and if you are not here for it then you have been warned. Most literary prizes have issues and most of them I leave behind. International Booker is one of my favourites and so I stick with it but I also want them to be even better. Looking at them critically helps me look at my own reading choices critically and in today’s society going beyond the mainstream requires active work. Enough of the apologies and back to the longlist and my at-a-first-glance-reaction…

The few I recognise were not books I’m naturally drawn to. I’m not thrilled by the dominance of men on this year’s longlist as I read few stories from cis het men, simply because they generally do not write for people like me. I miss the numerous openly queer representations that we got last year. This is once again a Europe heavy longlist and we only get one book from Africa, which is just massively disappointing. It feels like a switch of approach compared to last year and I loved last year’s longlist. I think I needed a great longlist to make my heart sing yesterday and this was not it.

However, I’m still (perhaps stupidly) committed to my International Booker love and assume that the judges will have picked books that in the end turn out to be awesome. I’m probably going to try and read the entire longlist but there is no way I will be able to make it ahead of the winner announcement as I have read 4 books in total this year. The longlist lands on over 4000 pages and on average each book passes 300 pages, so yeah.

I own 1 book (Still Born), can get 4 of them from the library (A system…, Is mother dead, Time shelter, The gospel…), I have ordered 3 books (Pyre, The birthday party, Whale) from my favourite independent bookshop and am looking at how to purchase the others. Say it with me: buying and reading books are not the same hobby.

I will be reading Swedish translations where available – I know I miss out on the translator into English but there is a limit to how much money anyone can spend these days. Plus, I do not have second thoughts about supporting Sweden’s comparatively vibrant culture of reading translated fiction.

Now to the actual books! Having processed all of the above I’m starting to get excited about the longlist and finding the ones that I want to see on the shortlist.

🇨🇳 Ninth building by Zou Jingzhi (tr. Jeremy Tiang) – cautiously optimistic. I think this one could go either way from me, I do not get enough information from the summary to really understand what I’m getting into.

🇸🇪 A System So Magnificent It Is Blinding by Amanda Svensson (tr. Nichola Smalley) – The English summary doesn’t work for me but the Swedish one that gave away much more detail has potential. I’m also kind of confused as I do not remember hearing about this book at all whereas much more successful Swedish books didn’t make it to the longlist. Fellow Swedes – have I missed it or are you also a bit surprised?

🇲🇽 Still born by Guadalupe Nettel (tr. Rosalind Harvey) – Yesss!!! My favourite made it! The one book that I felt I would scream if it didn’t make it is on the longlist. Look forward to reading it after getting the book this weekend!

🇮🇳 Pyre by Perumal Murugan (tr. Aniruddhan Vasudevan) – Was this on the eligible list on Goodreads? I don’t remember reading about it but I love the sound of it!!! This one is giving me that excitement that I was looking for. There is no surprise that a book labelled dark on StoryGraph will capture my interest.

🇩🇪 While we were dreaming by Clemens Meyer (tr. Katy Derbyshire) – this better be good. Out of them all this calls the least to me based on the summary.

🇫🇷 The birthday party by Laurent Mauvignier (tr. Daniel Levin Becker) – I wouldn’t go for it myself but I’m hopeful about the sinister vibes.

🇺🇦 Jimi Hendrix live in Lviv by Andrey Kurkov (tr. Reuben Woolley) – It did cross my mind that due to one of the judges Ukraine would be represented somehow, not unfairly but because someone could argue well for an author, story and translation. I’m happy to see Kurkov represented and now many who enjoy several of the author’s books! 

🇳🇴 Is mother dead by Vigdis Hjorth (tr. Charlotte Barslund) – I loved If Only! I think we are in for another blistering story and I will be reading it in Swedish.

🇨🇮 Standing heavy by GauZ’ (tr. Frank Wynne) – This has potential to be really interesting and in communication with several of the other books. My hopes is that GauZ’ brings the same level of no nonsense as Condé and that the 2 books shows how it is supposed to be done when it comes to racism, politics, immigration and colonialism.

🇧🇬 Time shelter by Georgi Gospodinov (tr. Angela Rodel) – One that I expected and am already waiting for at the library. It just had that air about it. Time shelter is also longlisted for Dublin in case anyone wants to cover 2 prompts with 1 book.

🇬🇵 The gospel according to the new world by Maryse Condé (tr. Richard Philcox) – Why did I not feel certain in my love for Condé and include it on my prediction? I’m ashamed. I’m unworthy of the book. I believe Condé is going to bring it. If this is not on the shortlist…

🇰🇷 Whale by Cheon Myeong-kwan (tr. ) – I liked the sound of it but did not think it would make it to the longlist because it sounded too not longlisty. Interesting choice and I’m happy to see it! 

🇪🇸 Boulder by Eva Baltasar (tr. ) – Queer rep and motherhood – love it! Wish I had already bought it and read it!

What are your thoughts on the longlist? The most common one I’ve seen is surprised. Tell me what you are thinking!

PS: I run a reading challenge called Literary Fifteen that is meant to sample literary prizes – you only have to read one book per literary prize. I have selected 14 prizes for 2023 and you get one award of your choice. I’ll talk more about it another time or you can head over to Instagram or StoryGraph for more details.