Horror TBR

Anyone else goes on bookish quests instead of reading and doesn’t stop to think if this effort makes any sense or is it just me?

I watched a video on BookTube about reading Goodreads Horror category which made me think that I should get back into horror. Which resulted in me building a quickly growing tbr on StoryGraph which is checked against my 2 libraries.

The slides are a combination of Goodreads horror category this year, the book 101 horror books to read before you’re murdered by Mother Horror on Bookstagram, and some books I’ve seen talked about on BookTube or Bookstagram.

Do I commit to reading all of these? Nope.
Is it a challenge? Nope.
Did I just go with the flow and made several spreads just because? Yep.

Don’t tell me your favourite horror reads. I don’t need more fuel to the fire that is going on over at my StoryGraph.